Serving Ministers & Ministries Collaborative
Hank Lewis, LUT, Spiritual Director
To equip and empower Unity spiritual centers and other new thought ministers and ministries to meet their local mission through education, ministerial support, and collaboration.
We never shall be satisfied until we find ourselves.
~Myrtle Fillmore
Love is an inner quality that sees good everywhere and in everybody.
~Charles Fillmore
About serving ministers and ministries collaborative
To support ministers and ministries through teaching, speaking, writing, and collaborating to reach both those within new thought spiritual centers and those truth seekers who are not yet part of our communities.
Assist Unity and other new thought centers and churches in educating their congregants and any truth seekers in new thought principles.
Ensure that regardless of the size of the ministry, resources are available to support the spiritual center and the new thought movement.
Support ministers and ministries through collaboration and assist them in maintaining and expanding their ministries.
Assist Unity centers and churches in locating ministers and licensed teachers to support the local ministry.
hank Lewis
Hank Lewis is a Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) in Orlando and is the Spiritual Director of Serving Ministers and Ministries Collaborative, Inc. He speaks and teaches at various Unity and new thought churches and centers.
Lewis' desire is to support local ministers and ministries through education and collaboration which may include doing things in a new and experiential way. This support may include assisting ministries in determining who they are, why they exist, and what best supports their local community and ministry.
How SMMC Can support You & Your Ministry
Collaboration with various spiritual centers and churches for the benefit of all
Encouraging centers to work together in teaching and supporting classes
Assist communities who do not have licensed teachers and ministers available to support their ministries
Speaking, when invited, at various spiritual centers, retreats, board meetings and assisting churches in finding other speakers when a need exists.
Leadership from the spiritual center will work with Hank and others to determine the needs of the center and then move forward together to meet the needs
​All services are offered on a donation basis (Either from participants or the spiritual center)
For any of these services or to schedule Hank to speak at your church, use the "Contact Hank" section.
Guided Meditations
The most recent guided meditations are found on this page. Archived meditations may be found by clicking the "Archived Meditations" button. More guided meditations are coming soon.
Random Thoughts are Hank's musing and thoughts on a variety of issues. Some of the postings may also be prayers. The most recent thought can be found below and other thoughts may be found by clicking the button titled "Archived Random Thoughts."
What stage of life are you in -- Rewards, Seeking a Creed, or Living?
“You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda
Upcoming Sunday Talks
January 5 Unity of Central Florida (White Stone) 10:30am
January 19 Unity of Merritt Island 11:00am
Feb. 23 Unity of Merritt Island 11:00am
March 23 Unity on the Space Coast 11:00am
March 30 Unity of Gainesville, FL 11:00am
Consider a donation to support the work of Serving Minister & Ministries Collaborative. Classes and workshops are offered on a love donation basis and your support helps to continue this ministry. Please give first to the support of your local church/center and then consider a gift to SMMC.